
Considerable community involvement and hundreds of volunteer hours contributed to the solutions in the following plans, guidelines, and documents. We must strive to apply the wisdom and compromises reached in each one to the on-going development of the U District. We owe it to those committed participants to act on these plans.

Summer Green Street

A 'tactical urbanism' experiment this summer to test-drive our proposed green street.

NE 43rd Street

A recent upgrade to NE 43rd gives modal priority to buses and bikes, and makes room for pedestrians.

Green Street on 42nd 

Let's enhance NE 42nd Street as a key part of the U District's pedestrian, open space network.


U District Neighborhood Plans & Documents

U District Green Street
A community-led conceptual plan for the re-design of two blocks on NE 42nd Street

U District Mobility Plan
A community-led station area mobility plan for the area around the U District light rail station

Neighborhood Design Guidelines
Local guidelines used in the review of proposed private projects in the U District

Small Business Vulnerability Study
Door-to-door survey of small businesses on The Ave about the upzone and opening of light rail

U District Upzone
Neighborhood rezone of U District to a high-rise urban center

U District Parks Plan
An update to the U District Parks Plan, revised in anticipation of upzone.

Green Streets Concept Plan
Original conceptual plan for three designated 'Green Streets' in the U District

Alley Activation Plan
Conceptual plan for the coordinated development of alleys in the U District

Urban Design Framework
Conceptual framework for the proposed urban development of the U District

U District Strategic Plan
Strategic plan for the U District to be vibrant, innovative, & diverse

U District Bike Parking Plan
Audit of current and potential locations of bicycle racks in the U District

UW Campus Master Plan
Conceptual framework for the proposed urban development of the U District


There's a Master Plan for You

Pedestrian Master Plan

"A 20-year blueprint to achieve our vision of Seattle as the most walkable and accessible city in the nation."

Bicycle Master Plan

"Riding a bicycle is a comfortable and integral part of daily life in Seattle for people of all ages and abilities."

Learn more
Transit Master Plan

"A 20-year look ahead to the type of transit system that will be required to meet Seattle’s transit needs through 2030."

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Freight Master Plan

"Freight movement helps meet the goals for social equity, productivity, sustainability, and livable neighborhoods."

Learn more