Art Walk & Design Competition

Grand opening at the U District Art Walk
Friday, August 16, from 5:30-8:30pm

The Competition

Our Art & Design Competition is a freestyle design competition open to all; concept stage, prototype or finished product by student and young artists, design studios, and the art-oriented in the City of Seattle area. The Call for Submissions is now closed, and we are thrilled to have selected the following local artists and designers to compete. 

Grand Opening
Each outdoor art installation will be installed on August 16, for the U District Art Walk, when we invite folks for engagement and interaction with the artworks, and to support the placemaking efforts of the project.

The Project
The U District Green Street Summer Activation project is an experiment in 'tactical urbanism', where quick, light, and cheap interventions will shape a section of urban street for the summer. An encouraged theme is 'shelter'.

The Artists & Designers

Check out the selected proposals from our local artists and designers, then join us on August 16 to experience them on our Summer Green Street!

Alexandra Fernández Muñiz

A wood plank bench features organic shapes and multiple tiers, providing flexibility in its use. Its curved design encourages face-to-face interactions, making it ideal for conversations. 

Oscar Christoph

This double-sided bench features a green awning that mimics the canopy of a tree. The largest boughs are integral to both the canopy and the bench itself, while smaller branches help to contrast the lightness of the canopy with the weight of the base.

Faith Lou Poirier

Life size ceramic female figure filled with plant life. Live plants will cover the artwork and become the head, face, hair, and arms. 

Fathom Architecture

Flexibility, feasibility, and community engagement are the guiding principles for this design that provides pedestrians with sheltered seating while also serving as display pieces for public artwork.

Hannah Hu

This street furniture design can be used modularly, as each piece can separate and function on its own. But when put together, it becomes a cohesive seating area where those who want to sit and dine and those who want to briefly stand can share the space together. 






Concert during Art Walk & Design Competition

Garfield Jazz Quartet

Garfield Jazz Quartet will perform from 6-8pm on our Summer Green Street during the Grand Opening of the U District Art Walk & Design Competition.

Garfield Jazz is part of the nationally recognized Fine Arts Department at Garfield High School, a diverse public school in Seattle, Washington.

Our Art Walk is on the eve of the Seattle Design Festival, which kicks off with a Block Party at Lake Union Park the same weekend: 

Seattle Design Festival

The Seattle Design Festival Block Party is a two-day street fair celebrating the powerful ways design affects our lives. This fun outdoor event is an opportunity for the design community and the public to come together and interact through large-scale design installations, performances, and design activities all centered around the Festival’s 2024 theme, WHAT IF?.

The installations are designed to be enjoyed by people of all ages, sizes, and abilities. Families are welcome and encouraged. Stop by the SDF Pavilion to learn more about this year’s Festival.

Sponsors & Partners

Funding provided by the Neighborhood Matching Fund of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Additional funding provided by 4Culture of King County and the U District Advocates, who serves as our fiscal sponsor.
City of Seattle
4 Culture
U District Advocates
U District Art Walk 

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